Flexi®-Pave is a porous, non-cracking, insulating, and flexible construction material that can be used for a variety of applications. This revolutionary product is environmentally friendly and composed in part from recycled waste tires. Flexi®-Pave is mixed directly on the installation site and cures in just 24 hours. The result is extremely porous, heavy duty, and dynamic in its physical nature. It is designed for low speed applications with pedestrian and vehicular use, and bonds without trouble to adjacent construction materials. The pervious composition of Flexi®-Pave also allows vast amounts of water to flow through making it the perfect solution for urban storm water management problems.

Tire Processing

Processing separates scrap tires into rubber granulate and steel fraction

What is Flexi®-Pave made of?

  1. Nominal 3/8 inch (8mm) wire free SBR recycled tire granule
  2. Nominal 3/8 to 1/2 inch size aggregate rock
  3. Flexi®-Pave’s proprietary sole source binding agent

Flexi®-Pave uses a 50 percent ratio of stone and recycled tires. It is then mixed on-site with a urethane binding agent and applied as a single monolithic pour. The resulting mixture has the capacity to bind with wood, steel, concrete, aluminum, compacted aggregate, enamel tile, or fiberglass. Furthermore, it is resistant to transmission fluid, brake fluid, gasoline/diesel, hydraulic fluid, salt water, chlorine, ozone, bromine, muriatic acid, and magnesium chloride. These properties make Flexi®-Pave unique among surfacing and porous pavement solutions.

Warmzone Radiant Heating

Couple Flexi®-Pave with a Warmzone radiant heating system!

Features and Benefits

  • Flexible: will not crack even with root intrusion
  • Extremely Porous: allows for ground water recharge and storm water management (BMP’s), 2,000 gallons per square foot/per hour!
  • Dynamic in physical form: heavy objects do not leave indentations when removed, 70,000 PSI compressive strength
  • Diffuses water force: has erosion control uses (e.g., Embankments, Swales, etc.)
  • Impact absorbing surface: injury reduction to joggers and walkers, meets ASTM six foot fall criteria
  • Slip resistant: exceeds ADA guidelines, reduces slip, fall and tripping hazards
  • Resistant to freeze/thaw: reduction of operation and maintenance costs such as repairing potholes
  • Dissipates mechanical shock: resistant to snow plow damage
  • Cold weather benefits: in addition to being freeze/thaw and snow plow resistant, use of Flexi®-Pave can result in a 50-75% reduction in snow melting materials, and it can be installed with Warmzone radiant heating
  • Non-flammable: does not burn without the use of an accelerant
  • Non-toxic: can be installed near bodies of open water or wetlands, filters out phosphates and nitrates by up to 80%